“An industry-backed trade event is vital”

EFTTEX – the European Fishing Tackle Trade Exhibition – is set for a return in 2025 after taking a year out this time around. We asked Janet Doyle – who was involved with the show for 21 years – why she has returned to take the reins once again and what the event will deliver.

The industry has been buzzing ever since TTW broke the news that the important European trade show, EFTTEX, will be returning next year.

The trade got even more excited when it learnt that Janet Doyle and her Resolutions company had won the contract to organise it.

Having been involved in the EFTTA secretariat and EFTTEX for more than two decades, much of it as the general manager, there can scarcely be a more experienced nor safer pair of hands at the helm.

Naturally, TTW was keen to find out what was behind the move and what Janet has in store.


TTW: Welcome back! I’m sure you are already working hard on EFTTEX 2025. Where will it be held and on what dates?

Janet Doyle: EFTTEX 2025 will be held in Brussels, Belgium, from September 10th to 12th, 2025, which is also where the European Fishing Tackle Trade Association now has its headquarters.

With the EFTTA lobbying work also going on in the European Parliament in Brussels, it makes perfect sense to hold the show there.

What‘s more, Brussels is an easy reachable central European city  from around the world. EFTTEX has been held in Brussels before so the city will already be familiar to some exhibitors and visitors.


TTW: It’s fair to say the trade has missed EFTTEX this year and I am sure you are thrilled to be back! What are your first jobs to get the event going again? 

JD: I am very excited to be back in the fishing tackle sector and organising an industry backed EFTTEX show in 2025, yes!

Securing the venue and dates was the first job of many. Exhibitor stand sales will be next, along with appointing contractors, marketing and general administration to ensure a good build up to the event and the smooth running of the show itself.


TTW: What can we expect from EFTTEX 2025? Are you planning on making any changes to the formula we all know so well? 

JD: Absolutely! It os really important that the show moves with the times. Much has changed in the exhibition industry, especially following the Covid pandemic. Having been outside the industry for a few years – although still in the event space – there are some new things that I'd like to bring into EFTTEX. I’m working on so many ideas right now so I think it’s a case of “Watch this space!” 


TTW: We know the show is in your blood – how long were you working on it before the changes to EFFTA’s structure? 

JD: I worked with EFTTA and EFTTEX (most recently as general manager) from 2000 to 2021, so 21 years in total. 


TTW: How vital is it to be working closely with the EFTTA board and its members to deliver a strong European trade show? 

JD: EFTTEX is – and always has been – backed by the industry and EFTTA, so working with the members is very important to ensure they get the show they want.

As you know, EFTTA’s focus has changed in recent years and it is concentrating on its lobbying activities rather than being an exhibition organiser.

EFTTEX will continue to work independently from EFTTA but there will be a strong line of communication so everyone knows what is happening with the show and what they can expect.


TTW: What do you think are the most important reasons someone should exhibit at EFTTEX? 

JD: Most importantly, EFTTEX is the only European fishing tackle show which is fully supported by EFTTA and the industry as a whole. That’s what makes it so special.

Over just three days, exhibitors will be able to see loads of their customers, welcome new clients and meet old friends as well as making new ones.

And, of course, EFTTEX has a long history in the European fishing tackle trade so it’s a trusted and well-respected brand that can deliver on its promises.


TTW: And, just as importantly, why should visitors ensure they come to Brussels in September 2025?

JD: Again, there are a number of compelling reasons to attend EFTTEX.

Visitors will get to see the very latest products and the newest innovations, not to mention having the opportunity to meet their suppliers face to face.

We are also looking at other ways to add value to the visitor experience so they come away with more knowledge about great ways to boost their business.

To find out more about EFTTEX 2025, contact [email protected]